If you’ve been following the Royal Locks journey, you know that changing curls during pregnancy is a huge part of what inspired our curl care line in the first place. Though it may come as a shock to some, it’s very common for curls to develop, adapt and shift during pregnancy - sometimes permanently.
With a multitude of life changes coming your way when preparing for having a new pair of little feet running down your hallway, changing curls can add an additional factor to your plate. Though it may not be your main focus during your pregnancy (because… why would it be?), we’re here to give you a heads up on what to expect so that new curls feel like a welcome gift and not a burden.
You May Develop Curls During Pregnancy
For some women, like Royal Locks owner Casey Simmons, pregnancy may cause curls to form seemingly out of nowhere. For some women, this means that their once straight or slightly wavy hair suddenly starts to develop texture- and maybe even dredded frizz and coarseness.
This can be a confusing surprise. After years of having a similar hair routine, and then suddenly finding it not having the same impact can be daunting. It can be strange to look in the mirror and suddenly feel like you don’t recognize yourself, and feel disconnected from how you look. You may need to adapt your hair routine to prevent frizz and breakage, and learn how to care for your brand new curls.
Our tip: Though developing curls may feel like a sudden adjustment, it doesn’t need to be complicated. Using curl-friendly hair products can help reduce frizz, and allow your hair to maintain its health despite going through hormonal changes. To help your hair through its newfound puberty, start by using a curl-friendly cleanser and conditioner. This sets the foundation for your curls to be moisturized and stress-free.
Your Curls May Become Dry or Oily
With the large amounts of hormonal shifts that happen during a pregnancy, it’s common for a higher level of progesterone to cause sebum production to shift. Sebum is the natural oil that keeps curls shiny and moisturized, but too much of it can cause curls to feel oily or greasy, and too little can lead to dry hair that lacks texture and is more likely to frizz.
Modify your wash day to your curl’s needs. If your concern with your curls during pregnancy has to do with dryness, try reducing how often you cleanse your hair and ensure you use a gentle shampoo with pH specific to curly hair. This will keep some of the oils your body naturally produces, which will help keep frizz at bay and form a nice curl shape.If your hair is feeling heavy and thick, you may find you need to cleanse your curls more often. If your curls change in texture, looking for curl care solutions that are closer in line with their new shape - for example, methods for curly hair rather than wavy - may help you navigate this time in your life.
Our tip: Since pregnancy takes place over a period of months, some changes in your curls can be temporary or unpredictable. Try out our trial sizes of curl-friendly products to give your curls what they need without having to do an entire overhaul of your routine.
Your Curls May Lose Volume
While taking care of your curls during pregnancy, you may notice a shift in their overall texture, looseness and overall bounce. Since your body is doing the amazing work of creating a human, it’s possible that your curls may start to feel less defined, dull and lifeless.
For women who have a deep connection to their curls, and feel a sense of identity with it, this sudden change can be destabilizing. Some women find that there are techniques that can be implemented into their wash day routine to help combat a loss of volume. Try only using a wet brush while in the shower, and add a small amount of extra styling cream. Using the wet styling method can also help maintain definition, while damp styling can help increase volume. In addition, our hair is made up of 91% protein! Supplementing your pregnancy journey by adding more in your diet and finding products that have healthy proteins can help offset a loss of volume.
Our tip: Adding an effective and moisturizing leave-in conditioner that is full of healthy ingredients like Macadamia Seed oil and Amino acids can be a game changer. We recommend using our Curl Rescue Leave-In Conditioner, followed by a curl-friendly styling cream or gel to help get the most from your curls during pregnancy.
Final Thoughts: Be patient. Many women find that their hair needs time to reshape on a cellular level postpartum. Though we truly understand how confidence can be tied to hair, your beauty isn’t defined by sudden changes while you go through this special time in your life. It may take time to find the perfect roadmap for you, but I promise you, it’s all worth it.